Cupid Book-Lover’s Tag

Copy and Past the following in your blog to participate in this tag.

Cupid’s Book-Lover Tag

The Rules:
1. Tag the creator (AbbieLu @ Cafe Book Bean)
2. Have fun answering the questions.
3. Tag 5-10 people to join in the fun.
4. Thank & link those who tag you.
5. Don’t worry about the rules!
You don’t need to be tagged to participate.

Love is in the air!

1) Favorite Love-Story book?

Wuthering Heights

2) Share your best Valentines day memory?

My first Valentines Day with my husband.

3) Favorite fictional hero/heroine?

George from Of Mice and Men

4). What story has the best most memorable romantic moment; kiss, proposal, etc.?

I honestly can’t think of anything.. don’t read a huge amount of romance

5) What is your all time favorite Romantic movie?


6) You can go anywhere for a romantic getaway (fiction or non-fiction,) where do you go?

Tulfes, Austria

7) Who do you want to be your valentine?


8) Chocolate or flowers?


9) Novels: Romance or Adventure?


10) What fictional villain, do you secretly love?

Count Dracula


You’ve been tagged!